
Communicating with Computers

We have adapted to many different communication obstacles in the advancing business climate. Talking to Computers is the next step.

Communication is absolutely vital in any job. As you work, you learn different methods of communication some you may not have encountered through your education. There is face to face communication that can change whether you’re chatting by the coffee maker or in a formal meeting. There’s written communication that can change whether you are writing an email, an inter-office message, or a bulletin or release documentation. There are different communication styles when communicating to different roles in your organization, across different generations, different cultures, or across different time zones. Depending on what you do, the list goes on.

But now there is a new communication method that will become more relevant as business advances. One that people have honed through hobbies, recreation, and a little bit out of necessity. That skill is how to communicate with computers.

We all know that guy that cannot talk to their Alexa, Siri, or how to find their way using voice controls on Google Maps. It’s almost become a trope. We all laugh because they don’t know how to phrase requests to get Alexa to play their favorite song. Then, a tech savvy hero has to step in and help untangle them. We are standing on the precipice of that skill and that hero transforming into a business asset.

AI is coming in fast. It’s unavoidable. It’s coming. It’s coming with a wave of fears that this technology is going to wipe out jobs. The skill that is going to keep you afloat when that wave comes is the ability to communicate to computers. The ability to adapt your communication style to anticipate what the people who programmed That computer anticipated you to say. It sounds dystopian but at its root that’s communication! We are going to be dealing with AI prompts to do our job and efficiently navigating those prompts is going to be a valuable skill. We have learned all these ways I listed in the first paragraph to communicate and learning to communicate with computers is the next skill we have to master.

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